Learn bridge. Play bridge. Have fun!
December, 2024​
​Bridge Basics 2: Competitive Bidding
with Cecelia Ray
Wednesday mornings December 11 and 18,
January 8 and 15.
​Play of the Hand with Rich Peffer
One session left.
Thursday mornings December 5.
Part 2 of Play of the Hand starts January 9.
For more information or to reserve a space, contact Judy Hellen at Judy@LearnBridgeGSO.com or text/call 336.558.3613.
The Bid More! Series with Peter J. Boyd-Bowman
Peter J. Boyd-Bowman introduces his Bid More! series of classes with three sessions on preemptive bidding. Class size is limited. You will want to take advantage of this opportunity to learn from an expert.
Learning how to preempt well means learning how to be a tough opponent. In these classes, you will come to understand the importance of position and vulnerability as well as the value of being aggressive. These classes are designed for players with a little more time at the table (10-200 MPs or similar experience outside of a duplicate setting.
October 22: Weak Two Bids
What to know, when to break the rules, how to respond
November 12: Other Preemptive Bids
The gray area between the 3 and 5 levels. When to be aggressive opening vs overcalling and how to respond.
November 26: Handling the Opponents Preempts To be rescheduled in December.
Learn how not to be pushed around by knowing what bids mean.
Each class is scheduled for 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm at Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro. The cost is only $30 each and will include handouts.
Space is limited to 12 students per class so reserve a spot early if you are interested.
Contact Peter J. Boyd-Bowman at (336) 686-3680 / peterboydbowman@yahoo.com.
Bridge Basics 2: Competitive Bidding
Enroll early to learn competitive bidding techniques. When the opponents open the bidding, your side doesn’t need to be delegated to the sidelines!! What are the possibilities? You may want to enter the auction trying to win the contract or interfere with the opponents from finding their best contract or make a bid helping your partner select the best suit to lead.
What FUN!
In Bridge Basics 2 you will learn the bidding guidelines for both partners when making overcalls, a takeout doubles and a preemptive bids. We will also discuss how competitive bidding affects the opening side.
Dates: Wednesday, December 11, 18, January 8, 15
Time: 9:45 am - noon
Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro
Instructor: Cecelia Ray, ACBL Life Master
To register contact: Cecelia at CeceliaRay@gmail.com or 336-601-5058
Cost: $100
Additional: An accompanying book is recommended and can be purchased from the instructor at a discount.
​Bridge Basics 1: An Introduction returns in January with the energetic and popular Barbara Pomer as the instructor. This course is the place to learn about modern bidding and the basics of play of the hand as well as defense. It is designed for those who are new to bridge, those who want to re-enter the game (remember college) or those who would like a structured review to get your game on track. For more detailed information click here.
Starting Tuesday morning, January 7
This class meets four consecutive weeks on Tuesdays, 9:30 am to noon at Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro. The dates are January 7, 14, 21 and 28. The cost is $100. An accompanying book is recommended and can be purchased at a discount at the first session.
Barbara Pomer, an ACBL Life Master, is the instructor. To register or for more information contact the instructor at bdpomer@gmail.com or text/call 336-202-1299.
Bridge Basics 1: An Introduction
Play of the Hand, Part 2 with Rich Peffer
January 9, 16, 23, and 30
Play of the hand is the most important skill in the game of bridge. In this course you will learn how to plan the play and the basic techniques for developing tricks. Each session presents a topic with multiple hands for the students to play. By the way, understanding play of the hand will improve your bidding and is essential for understanding defense.
The intended audience: Players new to the game and more experienced players who would like more success as declarer.
The four sessions are scheduled for Thursday mornings starting January 9.
Jan. 9: The Finesse
Jan. 16: Dummy Points and Trumping in Dummy
Jan. 23: Discarding a Loser
Jan. 30: Practice with Finesses
Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro
Time: 9:30am - noon
Cost: $100 for all four sessions or $30 for individual sessions.
To register, contact Rich Peffer at rpeffer325@att.net or 336-402-5367.
Play of the Hand with Rich Peffer
October 24, November 7, 14 and December 5 Flyer
Play of the hand is the most important skill in the game of bridge. In this course you will learn how to plan the play and the basic techniques for developing tricks. Each session presents a topic with multiple hands for the students to play. By the way, understanding play of the hand will improve your bidding and is essential for understanding defense.
The intended audience: Players new to the game and more experienced players who would like more success as declarer.
The four sessions are scheduled for Thursday mornings starting October 23.
Oct. 24: Counting Winners and Entries in Notrump
Nov. 7: Counting Losers and Drawing Trumps in a Suit Contract
Nov. 14: Promotion in Suits and Notrump
Dec 5: Using Length in Suits and Notrump Revised date
Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro
Time: 9:30am - noon
Cost: $100 for all four sessions or $30 for individual sessions.
To register, contact Rich Peffer at rpeffer325@att.net or 336-402-5367.
Supervised Play and Learn
Cecelia Ray is offering Supervised Play and Learn on Fridays. Bring your bridge buddies or come alone to meet up with other players.
Here's what to expect. You will bid and play prepared hands. After each hand we will discuss the likely bidding, the lead and the play. One or more experienced players will be there to assist you.
Dates: Fridays, on-going
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church,
2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro
Cost: $10 each session
Although reservations are not required, for planning purposes please notify Cecelia in advance at CeceliaRay@gmail.com or text/call 336.601.5058.